Laboratorium DermaPharm Sp. z o.o.
12a Człuchowska St.
01-100 Warsaw, Poland
VAT: 527 020 30 00
Registration: 0000130068 Register Court for Warsaw in Warsaw,
XII Economy Department of National Court Registry
Capital 490 000 zł
Bank account:
PEKAO SA Bank SWIFT 20 1240 6029 1111 0000 4792 8240
Deutsche Bank PBC S.A. 65 1910 1048 2787 0158 7683 0001
Laboratorium DermaPharm Sp. z o.o.
12a Człuchowska St.
01-100 Warsaw, Poland
phone: (+48 22) 837-38-70
mobile: (+48) 604-555-652
ATTENTION: To get here please write in your navigation data: “24 Płońska St, Nasielsk, Poland”, and on the next plot is a warehouse and production of Laboratorium DermaPharm.